Below is a story that is roaming on the internet to be bsuinessman story .. However we are not aware whether its a original or not ..
But we share it for fans to have a look at it ..
Businessman Story :
Mahesh Babu The Businessman Story: Telugu cinema Prince Superstar Mahesh Babu’s new movie is The Businessman Story, directed by Puri Jagannath. And this The Businessman movie is once again coming from the crime and mafia backdrop. Coming with a tag line ‘Guns don’t need agreements, let’s uncover what exactly is The Businessman story.
In the current scenario, the underworld is almost extinct and the underworld bigges are cutting down their operations due to various reasons. Dawood Ibrahim is not carrying any operations in Pakistan, Chota Shakeel and Chota Rajan is totally in remission, etc. You can ascribe all this to Mumbai Police in cleaning the concept of underworld. Mind you, even few police encounter squads have been disbanded since there was hardly any mafia acts. And all these developments were being observed by an entrepreneur based out of South India.
Its time that all the entrepreneurs across the country are planning to stage a comeback to Mumbai and reinvent their businesses, but this particular South Indian entrepreneur business itself is crime. He researched all the information of various dons who ruled Mumbai including Haji Mastan, Vardha Bhai, Dawood Ibrahim, etc. He finally landed up in Mumbai with an aim to become the biggest gangster ever .This Businessman believes that there’s no right or wrong , good or bad in life – Its all about deals and believes everyone in life literally live with deals – be it wife and husband, gods and devotees, politicians and voters, etc. So to him, life’s nothing but making deals and feels that CRIME should also be treated like any other business.
And this is how our New Age Businessman does things! Puri Jagannath wants to make this “The Business Man” movie a trilingual movie – Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. He is determined to make this Businessman movie movie is a completely different dimension, but carries the flavor of Satya, Company, etc But surely Mahesh Babu The Businessman Story could be an action packed entertainer.
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